New study: Chronic toxicity of tire and road wear particles to water- and sediment-dwelling organisms

Study indicates that under typical exposure conditions TRWP in sediments pose a low risk of toxicity to aquatic organisms.


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Tire and road wear particles (TRWP) consist of a complex mixture of rubber, and pavement released from tires during use on road surfaces. Subsequent transport of the TRWP into freshwater sediments has raised some concern about the potential adverse effects on aquatic organisms.

Previous studies have shown some potential for toxicity for tread particles, however, toxicity studies of TRWP collected from a road simulator system revealed no acute toxicity to green algae, daphnids, or fathead minnows at concentrations up to 10,000 mg/kg under conditions representative of receiving water bodies.

In this study, the chronic toxicity of TRWP was evaluated in four aquatic species.

The results of this study, together with previous studies demonstrating no acute toxicity of TRWP, indicate that under typical exposure conditions TRWP in sediments pose a low risk of toxicity to aquatic organisms.

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