Project submissions

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    The total page count of all uploaded documents must not exceed 80 pages and should be in a PDF format. Proposals exceeding such criteria will be excluded from the evaluation. Additional documents might be requested at a later stage, for matters such as legal entity validation, financial capacity check, bank account validation.

    1. Detailed project description

    It should include:

    • an introduction (contextual background, research objectives, and hypotheses),
    • literature review (critical analysis of existing knowledge gap);
    • methodology (research design, experimental methods, and approaches to data analysis);
    • technological innovation (innovation beyond the state of the art).

    2. Work plan and timeline

    It should include:

    • work packages, tasks, milestones, deliverables and Gantt Chart;
    • budget justification;
    • environmental and socio-economic impacts;
    • potential commercialization;
    • project risk assessment and mitigation strategies.

    3. High-level CVs of the core project team.

    4. Agreements and endorsements (optional)

    (e.g., letters of support, MoUs, indicative terms of agreement) from key suppliers, construction/EPC parties, license or any intellectual property rights, permits related to environmental aspects and authorizations, if any.