How does TIP ensure the validity of the research that it sponsors?
TIP research benefits from contributions from tire industry experts, independent scientists and institutions, and the robustness of the academic peer review process.
We have established an Assurance Group of academics who provide additional independent review of completed studies and make recommendations on future studies based on an understanding of new research opportunities. We have also put in place an Advisory Panel of academic experts in the field of hydrology, marine biology, and ecotoxicity. They bring valuable big-picture thinking to the study-plan design phase.
TIP-sponsored research is conducted by different academic institutions and scientific consultancies who are selected based on their expertise in the various subjects of relevance to improving the scientific understanding of TRWP. Thereafter, TIP-sponsored research is subject to the academic peer review process and published in academic journals.
The peer-review process is the system used to assess the quality of a scientific manuscript before it is published. Independent researchers in the relevant research area review manuscripts for originality, validity, and significance to help the editors of scientific journals determine whether a manuscript should be published in their journal.