
Open Call
for Projects

The Tire Industry Project (TIP) looks to engage scientists and innovators working on research that is aligned with TIP’s key objectives and can contribute to advancing sustainability practices and environmental stewardship within the tire industry.

Focus Areas

The objective of this OCP is to offer financial support to research projects that align with the following scope:

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Assess and measure tire wear emissions, i.e. material produced during the use phase of a tire. Besides TRWP and leachates tire wear emissions may include other particles and compounds.

WF Image Placeholder

Develop mitigation measures, advancing the evaluated technologies towards demonstration in the relevant environment.

Are You Eligible to Apply?

In order to be eligible, applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:

Be a public or private organization with an existing legal entity

Be established in a country that is not subject to any sanction measure

Be able to demonstrate clear alignment with TIP’s objectives and the Scope of this OCP

Be able to uphold scientific credibility and anticipate the achievement of tangible outcomes

Be able to demonstrate that projects have not started at the time of the submission

All submissions and related communications must be presented in English

What Are We
Looking For?

Projects to be supported by this OCP are expected to introduce novel research concepts to the scientific field, preferentially leading to publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Activities that are within the Scope of this OCP and eligible for funding under this OCP include, but are not limited to:

Field sampling campaigns
(air, water, soil, sediment)

Chemical and particle characterization of emissions

Data analysis and modelling of tire wear emissions distribution in the environment.

Development of TRWP and leachate mitigation measures and/or advancing the evaluated mitigation technologies toward demonstration in the relevant environment, with a focus on the development of street cleaning equipment or techniques to facilitate the collection and/or removal of TRWP and leachate from street and road surfaces.

Are You Looking for
More Information?

Please visit the below sections to make sure you have reviewed all the information related to the OCP and filled the necessary documentation before submitting your application.

Important Dates and Deadlines

1 Nov 2024

Call Opening

17 Feb 2025

17:00 CET

Deadline for Submission of Proposals

17 April 2025

Completion of the Evaluation

30 April 2025

Notification of Evaluation Results

31 May 2025

Fund Agreement Signature

Disclaimer: the dates above may be subject to change. We recommend checking the website for regular updates.

Apply Now

If everything is clear, please click on “Submit Application” to access the Submission Portal, or if you have any questions please write us an email through the general enquiries form.

Opportunities to support TIP’s Open Call for Project

For any questions or to submit expressions of interests (an up-to-date CV, a cover letter, and credentials) please reach out to Larisa Kryachkova, TIP’s Executive Director, at

Grant Evaluation Coordinator,
The Tire Industry Project (WBCSD)

External Technical Expert,
The Tire Industry Project (WBCSD)